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06 August 2019

Concert at Mt. Carmel United Methodist Church, Reidsville, NC

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I enjoyed a fantastic weekend traveling to Reidsville, NC to play the new Verdin Bells and Content Three Manual 340 Digital Organ at Mt. Carmel UMC.  The instruments are beautifully installed in a resonant new sanctuary which has nearly perfect acoustics for organ and bell music.  The church experienced a tragic fire which is thought to be started with a short in the piano lamp!  Now, the new sanctuary stands, and the congregation continues to rebuild.  I was present on “Homecoming” Sunday along with many guests from families and the community to worship and celebrate the heritage and ministry of Mt. Carmel Church and to enjoy their musical instruments.


I always enjoy playing for worship.  The morning began with a training session for two of their musicians, showing them advanced features of their new organ and ways to co-ordinate using the bells with the organ.  During worship the organists sat close to the organ so they could observe me playing in real time and demonstrating some of the ideas I shared with them, including my “ten pistons” for service playing, some creative hymn introductions and ways to use musical devices (i.e. passing tones, pedalpoint, upper and lower neighboring tones, suspensions) to add musical interest to the hymns and as well to “clinch” the rhythm helping the congregational singing become more lively.


The concert following a fantastic southern pot-luck (see below).  A good crowd stayed to enjoy the organ.  My goal was to pack as many sounds into the hour as I could and involve the congregation through singing and dialogue about the pieces.  Here’s the program and sounds:

Post, arr.  Holy, Holy, Holy (#64)

    >Principal Choruses, Cromorne, Baroque Flutes, Strings, Full Organ

Tomlin, arr.   *We Fall Down (based on Revelation 4:10)

    >Flutes, Strings, Tubular Bell, Oboe, Orchestral Harp

Clokey *Bell Prelude

    >Strings, Principal 8, American Bell, Cathedral Chime, Foundations, Full Organ

Wood, arr. *What a Friend We Have in Jesus (#526)

    >Chime, Gospel Flutes with Trem, Full Gospel Organ, Solo Fagotto

Bish, arr. Amazing Grace (#378)

    >Bagpipe Effect, Organ Strings, Oboe, Trumpet, Principal Chorus, Full Organ

Wagner, arr. *Great is Thy Faithfulness (#140)

    >String Ensemble 1, String Ensemble 2, Orchestral Bells, Foundation Chorus, Full Organ

Bish, arr. Come Thou Fount (#400)

    >Foundation Chorus, Principal + Mixture Chorus, Trumpet, Full Organ

Dvorak *Largo from New World Symphony

    >String Celestes, Full Strings, Tubular Bells, Strings + Principals, Solo Cornet

Purvis “The Petite Clocks”

    >American Chime, Harp Bells, Baroque Flutes

JSBach Sinfonia in D (We Thank Thee O God)

    >Full, Medium, Light Organ Ensembles plus Baroque Flutes 8,2

Callahan, arr. Be Thou My Vision (#451)

    >Swell Strings, Cromorne, Foundations, Prinicipal Chorus, Full Organ

Meyerbeer Coronation March

    >Full Organ, Cornet, Full Strings

From the response following the program,  I believe the congregation enjoyed hearing a concert presentation of what their instruments can do, beyond what would happen in a Sunday Morning Worship Experience.  I personally enjoyed meeting my host and new friend Barry Lawrence and appreciate his gracious hospitality throughout the weekend.  The church pot-luck following worship was simply divine, so many macaroni dishes with krispy krusts, spaghetti salads, fried chicken cooked “the right” way (“PRAISE DE LARD”), along with blueberry cobbler, cherry cheesecake and (my precious) a perfect and beautiful in every way coconut cake!  AND, on Saturday night, Barry introduced me to the Sirloin House and their amazing SIRLOIN TIPS with green peppers and onions, with a beautiful side of TURNIP GREENS with the PERFECT amount of vinegar dressing!  And halfway through my piston setting on Saturday evening, there appeared a most tasty Pecan Pie-ette on the organ bench!  MY O MY!  NO WONDER, I played well after this!  I hope they will want me back in the future, so I can renew my friendships and eat like this again!  My appreciation to Dewey Kuhn of Verdin Organs for sponsoring me for this program and to Barry Lawrence and Pastor Eric Lineberry of Mt. Carmel UMC for the invitation to play.


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