Twentieth Concert on Harrah Symphonic Organ
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Since 2007, I’ve been very blessed to have the opportunity to play the amazing Harrah Symphonic Organ for twenty different concerts including a Veterans Day Program, a Broadway Concert, a Brass Concert, a Worship Concert, with the rest being Christmas Concerts. On December 1, 2024, I reached a milestone of TWENTY CONCERTS PLAYED! Finally, after all these programs I’m becoming more confortable–feeling a familiarity with the stops and layout of the instrument. Of course, after planning a program, the big thing is rehearsing balance and movement as there is no way to rehearse other than sitting at this console itself! The organ speakers and pipes surround the entire sanctuary and the wooden platform vibrates very nicely with the 32 and 64 foot pipes! The listener (and performer) are immersed in the sound which uplifts rather than confronts. Each time I sit for my first run-through, I admit to “tearing up” at the beauty of being in the room with this instrument! This year’s program theme was “Prelude at the Manger”, holiday music which took us to the manger and reminds us of those present, Angels, Shepherds, Holy Family, Worshippers (KIngs). Of course, congregational singing was included, and as always some fun pieces to round out the program following instermission. I must say the “closing cookies” were outstanding this year and the meal following at a new Italian restaurant to us “Sergios” (close to the church) was MOST enjoyable! I happy to announce I have already been invited to return for concert TWENTY-ONE on Thanksgiving Sunday of 2025! Hope to see you there!