Looking forward to IRONTON in Nov 2023
Well, here’s one I haven’t played (YET!). Some folks from Ironton, Ohio heard me play last year at Forrest Burdette Memorial UMC in Hurricane, WV, and requested the Ironton, Ohio Arts Council to invite me to play on their concert series! This will happen on this beautiful organ on Veterans Day in November 2023. The beautiful organ at the Presbyterian Church has been restored by the Schaedle Company from Cincinnati. It will present a bit of a challenge with no combination action, so all the registrations will have to be done manually a significant departure from my usual way of playing a program. BUT HEY, Bach didn’t have any pistons as many of the historical and current European instruments so I’m up for the challenge! The organ has ranks from all four families of pipe organ tone, so I’ll use them to their fullest. Hope to see you there!